Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Red tide

  1. Red algal bloom at Leigh near Cape Rdney

    Red tide, also known as harmful algal blooms (HAB), is caused by algal blooms which discolour coastal water (Bruckner, 2014). Algal blooms usually arise due to excess nutrients released into water, encouraging rapid growth of algae. At the coast, favorable winds and waves push surface water offshore so deep water moves to the coast, bringing excess nutrients from the ocean to the surface (EPA, 2014). As a results, these excess nutrients promote abundant algae growth in such coastal areas. Red tide can spread to other area by wind, waves, storms and ships, which transport the algae related to the bloom elsewhere (Bruckner, 2014).

  2. A small percentage of algae produce toxins that can kill fish, shellfish, birds, mammals, and even humans (when consume poisoned shellfish or fish). Non-toxic algae can cause harm to marine wildlife. When large masses of algae die, decomposers take in oxygen to break down the dead matter, causing waters to become oxygen depleted and this leading to fish kills.
  3. References
  4. Bruckner, M. 2014. Red Tide - A Harmful Algal Bloom. [ONLINE] Available at:http://serc.carleton.edu/microbelife/topics/redtide/index.html. [Accessed 29 October 14].

    EPA. 2014. Climate Change and Harmful Algal Blooms. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www2.epa.gov/nutrientpollution/climate-change-and-harmful-algal-blooms. [Accessed 29 October 14].

    NOAA. 2014. Why do harmful algal blooms occur?. [ONLINE] Available at:http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/why_habs.html. [Accessed 29 October 14].

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Invasive Species

The Lionfish which was previously unknown to America is now found  from Rhode Island to Belize.
An invasive species is one that exist in a habitat in which it does not belong. When a foreign species arrive at a new location, it can either find its new habitat unsuitable and die off or thrive and take over the habitat. The later occurs due to the lack of its predators to control its population.

Killer Algae (Caulerpa taxifolia):
The hybrid form of Caulerpa taxifolia came about due to the aquarium business. They wanted to find and bred a type of seaweed that can be used in commercially saltwater aquarium and have a attractive colour and form, making a nice backdrop for exotic fishes. However, after being exposed to chemicals and ultraviolet light for a long period of time, Caulerpa taxifolia became mutated. The species than leaked out into the environment when samples of it was transferred around. 

The hybrid seaweed is very strong and can survive in nutrients depleted areas, polluted water and in a wide range of temperature. As a result of being leaked into the environment, the species can cover the entire seabed. It produces toxins that is harmful to certain fishes and invertebrates and their eggs. Furthermore, there is hardly any marine organism that feed on it. The plant grows unrestrained and many marine organism leaves the area.  

 Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha):
The Zebra mussels were accidentally introduced by cargo ships in the North American Great Lakes from the Black Sea. Many marine species are stowed away in ship ballast and get released at the ships' destination. In the case of the Zebra mussels, it multiplied rapidly and staved out the Great Lake's native mussels species and got in the way of man made structures (e.g factory pipes and ships rudders). It has further spread to Canada and Mexico and a lot of money is spent annually to remove the species. 


Cotton, K.I. 2005. Introduced Species Summary Project: Killer Algae . [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.columbia.edu/itc/cerc/danoff-burg/invasion_bio/inv_spp_summ/Caulerpa_taxifolia.htm. [Accessed 27 October 14]

Ocean portal. 2014. 5 Invasive Species You Should Know. [ONLINE] Available at:http://ocean.si.edu/ocean-news/5-invasive-species-you-should-know. [Accessed 27 October 14].

National geographic. 2014. Marine Invasive Species. [ONLINE] Available at:http://ocean.nationalgeographic.com/ocean/critical-issues-marine-invasive-species/. [Accessed 27 October 14]. 

Friday, 24 October 2014

Climate change and ocean acidification impacts on corals

Higher water temperature, brought about by increased carbon dioxide in atmosphere have adverse impact on coral reefs. Warmer temperature stress corals, causing zooxanthella to die or be expelled from the corals. This causes corals to lose their colour and turn white as the algae gives the coral its colour. Bleached corals are unhealthy and weak - less able to fight against diseases (Teachoceanscience, 2014).

Furthermore, as mentioned earlier posts, increase in carbon dioxide results to ocean acidification which leads to shells dissolving in the more acidic water. Likewise for corals, they are unable to absorb the calcium carbonate needed for their skeleton, and in the acidic water, the skeleton which supports coral reefs will dissolve.

Healthy corals

Unhealthy corals with their skeleton structure partially destroyed

Teachoceanscience.(2014) How does climate change affect coral reefs. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.teachoceanscience.net/teaching_resources/education_modules/coral_reefs_and_climate_change/how_does_climate_change_affect_coral_reefs/. [Accessed 25 October 14].

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Ocean acidification: a shell game

Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere dissolve in the ocean water and combines with calcium to form calcium carbonated, which is needed to form shells. While some shelled marine organism increase their shell building, others partially dissolves in water with high carbon dioxide levels. In such waters, although there is more carbon available for shell formation, organism can only benefit if they can convert it into their shells and at the same time prevent their shells from dissolving in the more acidic water. Studies has found that different organism adapt differently in high carbon dioxide waters. While there is no observable change in shell building for large Caribbean snails, spines of pencil urchins dissolve to stumps in carbon rich waters. Other shell fishes' (oysters, clams and scallops) shell building rate decreases. 
The urchin on the left is gown in carbon dioxide water rich water whereas the the one on the right is gown in normal conditions (it is healthier with normal spines).
However, for certain crustaceans, it was tested that they grew heavier shells in carbon dioxide rich water. These species include American lobster, blue crab and a large prawn. 
American lobster grown in high carbon dioxide waters (right) grew larger and heavier shell as compared to those grown in normal conditions (left)
As a result, ocean acidification will cause some species to thrive and benefit over others. The main concern is for species that are unable to adapt well to the change in ocean's acidity.
 " Given the complex relationships that exist among benthic marine organisms", said Ries, " it is difficult to predict how even subtle changes in organisms' abilities to calcify will ultimately work their way through these ecosystems."
-Kate Madin

This blog post is based on the report 'Ocean acidification: a risky shell game'

WHOI, 2010. Ocean acidification: a risky shell game. Oceanus magazine, [Online]. 48 (1), 6-7. Available at: http://www.whoi.edu/cms/files/OceanAcid_68964.pdf [Accessed 23 October 2014].

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Ocean acidification

Carbon dioxide given off by vehicles, power plants and other human sources gas combines with seawater to form.

Ocean acidification, also known as "global warming's evil twin", it is a direct consequence of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide, the only difference is that we do not feel or see the impacts as it is happening underwater. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is absorbed into the ocean and is converted into carbonic acid which lowers the ocean pH. This has been implicated in having adverse impacts on vertebrates, molluscs, corals and crustaceans (Wittmann and Pörtner, 2013), and it has also been suggest to have future impacts on fisheries (Cooley and Doney, 2009), food security (UNEP, 2010), sustainable development (UN-DESA, 2009). Subsequent blog post will talk about the impacts of ocean acidification on marine life.


Wittmann, A.C. & Pörtner, H. (2013) Sensitivities of extant animal taxa to ocean acidification. Nature Climate Change. [Online] 3 (8). p. 995–1001. Available from: http://www.iaea.org/ocean-acidification/download/9_Data%20Management/DMS%20pres/OA%20database_as_neededHPshort.pdf. [Accessed: 25 September 2014].

Cooley, S.R. & Doney, S.C. (2009) Anticipating ocean acidification's economic consequences for commercial fisheries. Environmental Research Letters. [Online] 4 (2), 024007. Available from: http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/4/2/024007/fulltext/. [Accessed: 26 September 2014].

UNEP. (2010) Environmental Consequences of Ocean Acidification: A Threat to Food Security. UNEP Emerging Issues. United Nations Environment Programme. Nairobi: Kenya. Available from: http://www.unep.org/dewa/Portals/67/pdf/Ocean_Acidification.pdf. [Accessed: 26 September 2014].

UN-DESA. (2009) Ocean Acidification: A Hidden Risk for Sustainable Development. Copenhagen Policy Brief. [Online] 1. p. 1-4. Available from: http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/cop15_policy_brief_1.pdf. [Accessed: 26 September 2014].

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Cyanide fishing

Sea aquarium
Ever wonder how your sea aquarium fishes are caught? These marine fishes are caught by cyanide fishing. Unlike dynamite fishing, cyanide fishing does not physically destroy coral reefs, but rather killing the zooxanthellae algae in coral polyps. Although it is illegal, it is easy to carry out and escape detection, thus making it a popular fishing method for capturing live exotic fishes for aquariums or popular edible fishes (e.g grouper). Crushed sodium cyanide is mixed with salt water and stored in plastic bottles which divers bring down to squirt the mixture into nooks and crannies of coral reefs in order to stun the fishes. It was found that fishes that ingest cyanide developed cancer within 1 year of capture ( Earth Talk, 2011). Besides just affecting the fishes captured, cyanide poison fish eggs and kills other fishes (Mak, Yanase, Renneberg, 2005). It also poison coral polyps, killing zooxanthellae which is the provider of food and colour for the corals, thus resulting in coral bleaching. Furthermore, divers may physically break coral reefs in order to catch the stunned fishes that hide in crevasse
Cyanide fishing
Although cyanide fishing creates a lot of revenue for countries, the destruction it causes is more significant than its rewards. Coral reefs are depleting at a much faster rate than they can grow back. It is important that we protect marine life; they cannot protect themselves from humans. 


Earth Talk. 2011. How Dangerous Is It to Use Cyanide to Catch Fish?. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/cyanide-fishing/. [Accessed 12 October 14].

Karen K. W. MAK, Hideshi YANASE, and Reinhard RENNEBERG. 2005. Cyanide fishing and cyanide detection in coral reef fish using chemical tests and biosensors. Biosensors & bioelectronics. Vol. 20, No. 12, pp. 2581-2593.

Dynamite fishing

Dynamite fishing
Dynamite fishing is practiced in many countries and is a threat to marine animals and coral reefs in those areas. It involves throwing bottles of explosive made from fertilizers ( e.g potassium nitrate) into the sea. The explosion creates shock waves underwater, stunning or killing fishes, after which fishermen scoop the floating dead fishes from the surface or dive in to collect the fishes that sink to the seabed. However, besides just killing the targeted fishes, surrounding marine species and habitat are destroyed in the process. It is estimated that a 1 kg bottle bomb creates a crater of 1-2 meter in diameter, destroying 50%-80% of the coral reef in those areas ( Sea Shepherd, 2014). The coral reefs are reduce to rubble, turning the seabed into a "desert".

A 1 litre coca-cola bottle filled with explosive materials found near Capone island
This method is relatively cheaper and faster compared to other fishing methods. Local fishermen can easily make explosive from common fertilizes, aluminum blast caps and matchsticks. As a result, it is widely practiced by the poor and the greedy for easy money.

Blast fishing is illegal and destroy the marine ecosystem and habitat. Furthermore, fishermen are prone to injures and accidents through this method of fishing. We need to stop blasting fishes!


Sea Shepherd. 2014. Operation reef defense: protecting coral reefs worldwide. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.seashepherd.org/reef-defense/destructive-fishing.html. [Accessed 12 October 14].

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Bottom Trawling


Bottom trawling is a industrial fishing method whereby huge nets with heavy weights are drag across the seabed, scooping up everything in its path. This method is usually used in catching fishes that live on the seafloor, such as shrimp, cod, sole and flounder (Marine Conservation Institute, 2014).

One consequence of bottom trawling is that it rakes up large amount of sediments on the seabed, which adsorbs contaminants in the ocean. Frequent trawling causes plume of sediment floating above the seabed and can be seen from pictures captured from the sky. Research has shown that marine life (such as mussels, benthic, prawns and flatfish) living on the seabed are particularly at risk as they end up adsorbing the contaminants ( European Commission, 2012). 
Landsat image showing pervasive sediment plumes
Another impact of bottom trawling is its destruction to the seabed habitat. The method is unselective and besides the targeted species, many other species are caught and thrown away as by-catch. Corals, which serves as a habitat for many other marine life, dominate the by-catch, leaving the ocean floor bare. Since coral reefs are estimated to only grow by millimeters per year (Tracey et al, 2007), recovery of coral ecosystem will be very slow. This leaves the marine ecosystem permanently damaged. 



Marine Conservation Institute. (2014). Destructive Fishing. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.marine-conservation.org/what-we-do/program-areas/how-we-fish/destructive-fishing/. [Accessed 29 September 14].

European Commission. (2012). Pollutants released by seafloor trawling affect marine life . Science for environment policy, [Online]. 309 (12). Available at:http://ec.europa.eu/environment/integration/research/newsalert/pdf/309na3_en.pdf [Accessed 29 September 2014].

Tracey D.M. et al. (2007) Deep-sea scleractinian coral age and depth distributions in the northwest Atlantic for the last 225,000 years. Bull Mar Sci 81:371–391

Sunday, 14 September 2014


Oceanic white-tip killed for their fin.
Today i was just browsing through BBC news and came across the article "First ban on shark and manta ray trade comes into force". 5 types of sharks are protected under the ban - the oceanic white-tip, the porbeagle and three other species of hammerhead sharks.

It is surprising how long it took for the ban to come into place. According to McGrath, efforts against unregulated trade of sharks started since the 1990s but only managed to be achieved last year at the Cites meeting in Bangkok.

Due to increased shark attacks in western Australia, 172 sharks were culled in a 13 week trial, of which none of the 172 caught was a white shark (BBC, 2014). Also, shark's fin soup is a traditional Chinese dish that serves as a symbol of status and wealth. In the past, Chinese believed that the absence of shark's fin soup at a wedding is an indicator that the bride is marring into a poor family. Although people know that it is not true now, 2 out of 3 recent wedding dinners that i have attended still serve shark's fin.

Shark's fin soup


After watching Jaw by Steven Spielberg at the age of 8, I really hated sharks and would gobble up shark's fin (although its tasteless), hoping to kill all the sharks in the world. Its all in the past now and I refrain from eating it whenever I can. When planning my sister's upcoming wedding dinner, we requested the restaurant to swap shark's fin with crab meat. Hopefully our younger generation will discard the traditional thinking that we must have shark's fin at weddings.


BBC News. (2014). Matt McGrath: First ban on shark and manta ray trade comes into force. [ONLINE]. September 2014. Available at: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-29175592. [Accessed 14 September 2014]

BBC News. (2014). More than 170 sharks caught under Australia cull policy. [ONLINE]. May 2014. Available at: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-27304580. [Accessed 14 September 2014]

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Love seafood??

For seafood lovers, it is always good when the fish is big, so that there is more for everyone, isn't it? The bigger the better! But if everyone thinks that way, we are going to keep fishing the big fishes.

We have already consumed 90% of the big fishes- turtles, tunas, sharks and whales (Earle 2009). Even the small fishes are depleting due to bottom trawl fisheries. Before young fishes gets to grow big, we fish them out.

World hunger is not a problem of production but that of distribution. For every 1 pound that reaches the market, 100 pounds gets thrown away as bycatch (Earle 2009). A simplified illustrated of the extent of wastage is that for every 1 sardine you eat, 300 gets thrown away(rough estimation using the average weight of sardine given by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife). If we are not careful and continue unsustainable fishing, world hunger would turn into a problem of  production when there no more fishes in the ocean.
Earle. S. 2009. TED: My wish: Protect our oceans. [Online Video]. February 2009. Available from:http://www.ted.com/talks/sylvia_earle_s_ted_prize_wish_to_protect_our_oceans. [Accessed: 20 August 2014]

Washington Department of Fishing and Wildlife. 2011. Purse Seine Fishery for Pacific Sardine- Sardine Biology. [ONLINE] Available at: http://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/commercial/sardine/biology.html. [Accessed 11 September 14].

Friday, 5 September 2014

Plastic sea

Since my previous post in on plastics, I shall continue with another post on plastic pollution. According to Captain Charles Moore, 90% of the trash found in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is plastic. The Great Pacific Garbage, also known as Trash Vortex, lies between Hawaii and California. Litter gets pick up by ocean gyre current and get deposited in the centre of the gyre, where it is relatively calm. The circular motion of the gyre current traps and prevents litter from escaping, resulting in an accumulation of ocean debris. Although most debris may be small and very noticeable, the Pacific Trash Vortex is estimated to be larger than Texas (NOAA, 2013). 
The tricky part to cleaning up our mess is how not to further harm marine wildlife. Angelicque White, a scientist from Oregon State University, points out that plankton will be remove from the ocean when we try to fish out all the trash, thus further affecting the marine ecosystem. Why than should we go through all the complicated measure when we can start reducing our waste instead?

"The problem is that the barriers to gyre cleanup are so massive that the vast majority of the scientific and advocacy community believe it’s a fool’s errand – the ocean is big, the plastic harvested is near worthless, and sea life would be harmed. The solutions starts on land" (Wilson, 2013)


NOAA (2013). How Big Is the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch"? Science vs. Myth. [ONLINE] Available at:http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/about/media/how-big-great-pacific-garbage-patch-science-vs-myth.html. [Accessed 05 September 14].

Wilson, S. (2013). The Fallacy of Cleaning the Gyres of Plastic With a Floating "Ocean Cleanup Array" Read more: The Fallacy of Cleaning the Gyres of Plastic With a Floating "Ocean Cleanup Array" . [ONLINE] Available at: http://inhabitat.com/the-fallacy-of-cleaning-the-gyres-of-plastic-with-a-floating-ocean-cleanup-array/. [Accessed 05 September 14].

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Plastics on our face


Just today, during my environmental engineering lecture, a guest speaker came to talk to us about the micro plastics that is floating in our waters. These plastic particles are usually less than 5mm in size and are often mistaken as food (fish eggs) by birds, fishes and other wildlife. Wildlife researchers have found plastic pellets in  the bellies of fishes and birds. When ingested, it causes liver and stomach problems, fishes and birds feel full although they are not actually consuming actual food and eventually die from it. 
 Albatross with belly full of plastic bottle caps
This Rainbow Runner, was found in the mid-Pacific Ocean in 2008 with 17 micro plastic bits found in its stomach.
So how did all these micro plastic end up in the ocean? One of the sources highlighted by the speaker today was the use of plastic beads in exfoliating face and body washes. While it removes dead skin cells and give consumers a clean feeling, it is particularly problematic as it so small and is hard to be effectively removed by water treatment plants. 
Facial scrub which contains micro beads with Neutrogena Deep Clean containing the most.


As responsible consumer, we should help minimise the problem by switching to cosmetics products that uses natural exfoliating beads. We can also look out for other major companies like Unilever, The Body Shop and Johnson & Johnson that have agreed to remove micro plastics from their products by 2015! 

For those who wants to do more, you can take part in the consumer petition campaign by 5Gyres called "Get Plastic Off My Face And Out Of My Water Now!"

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Deep Deep Trouble!

"Thousands have lived without love, not one without water" ( Auden, 2007). According to Fraser (2010) our ocean holds around 97.5 percent of all water on Earth, covering 71% of the Earth's surface. Due the vastness of the ocean, many people think that there is an unlimited supply we can take from the ocean without destroying it. However, the amount that we are fishing out or toxins that we are throwing in, together with climate change, is rapidly degrading our ocean. Ocean researcher Sylvia Earle ( TED 2009) stated that in 50 years time, there might not be fishes in our ocean anymore. While our forests and animals on land are also in danger, Sylvia highlights that since the problem is more obvious on land, there are more awareness and measures taken to protect them. However, more needs to be done to save our ocean before it is too late.

This blog aims to raise awareness on the harm that we humans are bringing to the ocean and what are its consequences. Hopefully, more people will response to it and start saving the ocean that we have destroyed.


The Poetic Quotidian. 2007. W. H. Auden, "First Things First" / E K, "Second Thoughts". [ONLINE] Available at: http://thepoeticquotidian.blogspot.sg/2007/02/w-h-auden-first-things-first-evan.html. [Accessed 20 August 14].

Fraser Cain. 2010. What Percent of Earth is Water?. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.universetoday.com/65588/what-percent-of-earth-is-water/. [Accessed 20 August 14].

TED. (2009). Sylvia Earle: My wish: Protect our oceans. [Online Video]. February 2009. Available from:http://www.ted.com/talks/sylvia_earle_s_ted_prize_wish_to_protect_our_oceans. [Accessed: 20 August 2014].